Za kraj njihov najveći hit snimljen 2009 godine na njihovom, za sada, poslednjem albumu My Maudlin Career .
Camera Obscura: French Navy
Spent a week in a dusty library
Waiting for some words to jump at me
We met by a trick of fate
French navy my sailor mate
We met by the moon on a silvery lake
You came my way
Said, I want you to stay
You, with your dietary restriction
Said you loved me with a lot of conviction
I was waiting to be struck by lightning
Waiting for somebody exciting
Like you
Oh, the thing that you do
You make me go, ooooo
With the things that you do (you do, you do)
I wanted to control it
But love, I couldn't hold it
I wanted to control it
But love, I couldn't hold it [ Lyrics from: ]
I'll be criticized for lending out my art
I was criticized for letting you break my heart
Why would I stand for disappointed looks
Fully grown but I'm all on tenterhooks
Oooo, with the looks
On tenterhooks,
Oooo, with the looks, the looks, the looks
I wanted to control it
But love, I couldn't hold it
I wanted to control it
But love, I couldn't hold it
Relationships were something I used to do
Convince me they are better for me and you
We met by a trick of fate
French navy, my sailor
I wanted to control it
But love, I couldn't hold it
I wanted to control it
But love, I couldn't hold it
17 November 2012
Već na narednim albumima Camera Obscura znatno obogaćuje svoj zvuk. Ovo je jedan od najvećih hitova sa njihovog trećeg albuma.
Camera Obscura : Lloyd, I'm Ready to be Heartbroken
He said ?I?ll protect you like you are the crown jewels? yet
Said he?s feeling sorrier for me the more I behave badly
I can bet
Hey Lloyd I?m ready to be heartbroken
I can?t see further than my own nose at the moment
Jealousy is more than a word now I understand
I know you can stay a girl by holding a boy?s hand
Hey Lloyd I?m ready to be heartbroken
I can?t see further than my own nose at the moment
Hey Lloyd I?m ready to be heartbroken
I can?t see further than my own nose at the moment
I?ve got my life of complication here to sort out
I?ll take myself to an east coast city and walk about
Hey Lloyd I?m ready to be heartbroken
I can?t see further than my own nose at the moment
Hey Lloyd I?m ready to be heartbroken
I can?t see further than my own nose at the moment
Hey Lloyd I?m ready to be heartbroken
I can?t see further than my own nose at the moment
16 November 2012
Ovo je bend iz Škotske koji postoji dosta dugo (od 1996) ali imaju toliko malo objavljenih albuma da ih uvek možemo smatrati nedovoljno poznatim. Samo četiri kolekcije pesama za gotovo 16 godina postojanja je možda doprinelo statusu kultnog benda ali je svakako uticalo i na to da ostanu relativno nepoznati van granica svoje zemlje.
I kao što ćete čuti, njihov početni zvuk je najviše ličio na Belle and Sebastian (oni koji ne znaju za ovaj bend neka požure na youtube i čuju par njihovih hitova) što nije ni čudo ako znamo da je debi album "Biggest Bluest Hi Fi" upravo i producirao Stuart Murdoch lider Belle & Sebastian.
Slušamo prvi singl sa tog albuma.
Camera Obscura: Eighties Fan
You know it really wont surprise me
If you're a wreck by the age of fourteen
The way you look
The way you look is fine
So often colour coordinated
your sister she's an Eighties fan
But that's alright
Have I told you so is mine
You say your life will be the death of you
Tell me, do you wash your hair in honey dew?
And long for all of them to fall in love with you
But they never do
Drinking vodka on the fly
Your mother has a watchful eye
So look out kid
She's onto you this time
Run away to a bed and breakfast
Console yourself with the Reader's Digest
Ringing the Yellow Pages all alone
You say your life will be the death of you
Tell me, do you wash your hair in honey dew?
And long for all of them to fall in love with you
But they never do
No they never do
I'm gonna tell you something good about yourself
I'll say it now and I'll never say it about no one else
I'm gonna tell you something good about yourself
I'll say it now and I'll never say it about no one else
About no one else
15 November 2012
Režiser: Jamie Thraves Glume: Paddy Considine Julia Stiles
O čemu se ovde radi:
Čovek sa misterioznom prošlošću doseljava se u mali grad. Ali mali grad krije takođe velike tajne
Ključna reč iz naziva filma:
Ako bi opisao jednom rečju ovaj film koju bi reč upotrebio:
Ima li tu nešto zanimljivo ?
Pre nego što sam pogledao ovaj film znao sam o njemu samo par podataka. Urađen je po romanu Patricie Highsmith (Talentovani gospodin Ripley) i u njemu glumi Julia Stiles. Pokazalo
se kao dobra odluka što nisam svraćao ni na IMDB niti gledao trejler.
Dosta tome je pomoglo i to što je film iz sada već davne 2009 pa ako sam
tada i znao nešto više o njemu sve je to sada izvetrilo. Dakle, glavna vrlina ovog filma je što ne upada u klasične klišeje i film je svakako bolji ako o radnji filma pre gledanja znate što manje. Artistička forma filma, dugi kadrovi, tišina, glavni glumac koji svojom iritatnom pojavom (sasvim u funkciji priče) ni od početka ne uliva gledaocima poverenje sa takođe veoma sličnim ženskim likom, tako da publika većim delom filma i ne zna za koga i da li može uopšte da navija, dodaju i novu dozu neizvesnosti i turobnosti u i inače mračnu priču filma.
Šta je dobro u ovom filmu ?
Atmosfera. Onoliko koliko je nelagodno glavnim junacima nelagodno je i gledaocima.
Šta je još dobro u filmu ?
Glumci. Mada mi je Paddy Considine na početku delovao kao neko ko jednostavno ne može da iznese neki film na svojim plećima veoma brzo me je demantovao. Paddy je ovde odličan. I Julia Stiles je veoma dobra.
Šta je loše u ovom filmu ?
Atmosfera. Mnogi će od ovog filma odustati posle dvadesetak minuta jer će im biti dosadan. Kao što napisah ne upada u današnje triler klišeje i mnogo je bliži svojom struktorom klasičnim noir filmovima iz zlatnog doba Holivuda. Naravno, ne želim da Cry of the Owl upoređujem od klasika. Daleko je on od toga.
Šta je još loše u ovom filmu ?
U poslednjoj trećini filma intezitet opada. Većina karata je otvoreno a neki postupci likova u filmu počinju da bivaju i previše iskonstruisani. Jednostavno, priča se raspada. Mada, koliko sam saznao, film je verna rekonstrukcija romana te zamerke na nivou zapleta možemo samo prigovarati predlošku. Sa druge strane, režiser je bio odgovoran za razvoj likova i morao je (i mogao) da nam neke stvari razreši na mnogo ubedljiviji način.
Postoje li bolji filmovi od ovog ?
Naravno...pogledajte bilo koji noir film iz 40,50 ih godina Holivuda.
Postoje li lošiji filmovi od ovog ?
Vredi li ovo gledati ?
Ukoliko se naoružate strpljenjem i spremni ste da posvetite 90 minuta svog života filmu koji vas neće oduševiti ali će na vas na nekom čudnom nivou ipak dotaći, i ako volite tzv. autorske filmove onda je "The Cry of the Owl" vaš "cup of tea".
Zaključak za kraj:
U današnje vreme veoma lako možete naići na mnogo lošiji film sa mnogo poznatijim glumcima i mnogo većim budžetom. U svakom slučaju ovaj film vam neće biti zabavan svideo vam se ili ne... I mada bi mu možda više odgovarala jedna jaka trojka dajem mu : Na skali od (1-6) ocena: 4 - recenzija: Gimitrije Verzić. duh sa dva plava oka
King Tuff: Keep On Movin'
14 November 2012
King Tuff: Alone & Stoned
(ako nađem stihove ubaciću ih)
13 November 2012
A sada nešto sasvim sveže. King Tuff. 2012,29 maj, objavili svoj praktično debi album(mada ne i formalno). Malo garaž roka nikad nije na odmet.
Ovo je toliko novo (i nepoznato) da sam jedva uspeo da nađem stihove na netu.
King Tuff: Bad Thing
When I play my Stratocaster
Shooting those circles of sound
When I’m looking in the mirror
A Creature so ugly and wild
All I ever wanted
Was everything
And now I’m being haunted
By those dreams
Now I don’t know how to
Do anything
Cause I’m a bad, bad, thing
Yeah, I’m a bad bad thing
Yeah, I’m a bad bad thing
Yeah, I’m a bad bad thing
And when I play my Stratocaster
I feel like an innocent kid
But when I’m looking in the mirror
Remember the bad things I did
All I ever wanted
Was everything
And now I’m being haunted
By those dreams
Now I don’t know how to
Do anything
Cause I’m a bad, bad, thing
Yeah, I’m a bad bad thing
Yeah, I’m a bad bad thing
Yeah, I’m a bad bad thing
I’m a bad, bad, thing
I’m a bad, bad, thing
I’m a bad, bad, thing
I’m a bad, bad, thing
I’m a Baaaaad Thiiiiing
12 November 2012
I za kraj, najveći hit The Black Keys i stvarno predivan a tako jednostavan spot.
The Black Keys: Tighten Up
I wanted love, I needed love,
Most of all, most of all
Someone said true love was dead
And I'm bound to fall, bound to fall
For you
Oh, what can I do?
Take my badge but my heart remains
Lovin' you, baby child
Tighten up on your reigns
You're runnin' wild, runnin' wild
It's true
Sick for days in so many ways
I'm achin' now, I'm achin' now
It's times like these I need relief
Please show me how,oh show me how
To get right
Yeah, it's out of sight
When I was young and moving fast
Nothing slowed me down,
Oh slowed me down
Now I let the others pass
I've come around,
Oh come around
'Cause I've found
Living just to keep going
Going just to be sane
All the while not knowing
It's such a shame
I don't need to get steady
I know just how I feel
I'm telling you to be ready
My dear
11 November 2012
The Black Keys: Your Touch
When I want it, you've got it
So much
I'm crazy for
Your touch
Your touch
Your touch
Your touch
Well I'll be good
Like I should
Waiting is such
I need
Your touch
Your touch
Your touch
Your touch
Oh Lordy Lordy
I got excited now
Please rush
I need
Your touch
Your touch
Your touch
Your touch
10 November 2012
The Black Keys je u stvari prilično poznat novi američki bend ali ja sam ga otkrio tek nedavno. Osnovan je 2001 godine u Ohaju. Čini ga duet (gitare + bubnjevi). 2010 godine doživljaju konačni uspeh sa albumom Brothers. U naredna 3 dana slušamo hitove ove grupe
The Black Keys: Gold On The Ceiling
Down in the waves
She screams again
Roar at the door
My mind can’t take much more
I could never drown in
They wanna get my…
They wanna get my
Gold on the ceiling
I ain’t blind
Just a matter of time
Before you steal it
It’s alright
Ain’t no guard in my house
Clouds covered love's
Barb-wired snare
Strung up, strung out
I just can’t go without
I could never drown in
They wanna get my…
They wanna get my
Gold on the ceiling
I ain’t blind
Just a matter of time
Before you steal it
It’s alright
Ain’t no guard in my house [x2]
09 November 2012
DeVotchKa: Basso Profundo
I'm concentrate on teh wrong side of the law
From the creator
of this beautiful strip mall
A decimator of the cinder block world
A ventilator of the rallying call
One by one I take them on
this will be my revolucion
One by one they will be gone
I will not sleep til it be done
Basso profundo
yeah everybody knows
todo el mundo
it's shaking the windows
the tide is shifting
everybody says NO MAS
the boat is drifting
from the ones who control us
They never have enough they never have enough they
never have enough
the money is all that they love
All the world is for the taking
Just forget the hearts you're breaking
Is this love that you are making
or is it a deal?
that's something I can do
Este pobrecito
has jut gotten some bad news
Mis hermanos we so close
Ten thousand light years
from the ones we love the most
They never have enough they never have enough they
never have enough
the money is all that they love
All the world is for the taking......
You are my sugar
You are the salt upon the earth
When will they see you?
When will they pay you what you're worth?
Amor mio I'm so close
Solo tù y yo
thats what I want the most
I never have enough I never have enough I never have
You'll be the death of me my love
08 November 2012
Pesmu Undone grupe DeVothcKa koristili smo kao najavu za prošlogodišnju epsku epizodu BVIZ-a "Operaciju Egipat". Ipak, danas, emitujemo jednu prelepu verziju sa orkestrom Colorado Symphony. Inače DeVotchKu su 2008 godine proglasili za Best New Band from Colorado.
Devothcka: Undone
you know where I have been and
you know what I have done
they say that you see everything
so you know I never hurt no one
What I have stolen won't be missed
By those who had so much, so long
We'll soon be laughing about this
They will never notice it is gone
I could bend the universe
It I can only get there first
There are some foolish fresh laid plans
My fate is firmly in your hands
If you must take me
I can not go peacefully
I left someone waiting for me
I left things terribly..
They say man is just your seed
Spilled out on the thirsty earth
A simple servant of your needs
from the moment of our birth
Tell me am I not your seed?
Tell me am I not your son?
Tell me have you just forgotten
All those years of devotion
If you must take me
I can not go peacefully
I left someone waiting for me
I left things so terribly...
07 November 2012
Revolution je novo čedo NBC koji je već odobrio punu sezonu tako da svi oni koji vole ovu seriju mogu biti sigurni da će se sa njom družiti i do proleća 2013 godine. Rejtinzi gledanosti u najznačajnijoj demo grupi (od 18 do 49 godina) su bili dovoljno jaki za ovakvu odluku. Revolution je postapokaliptična priča o svetu nastalom posle globalne i misteriozne katastrofe u kojem su sve mašine koje su koristili bilo kakav električni vid energije jednostavno prestale da rade. Nakon 15 godina ljudi uglavnom žive u komunama van gradova, okrenuti prirodi, kao oružje imaju uglavnom lukove i strele a i mačeve, dok ih sve redom tiraniše Milicija, grupacija (na konjima) i armija plaćenika pod vođstvom zlog generala Monroa. Ovakav uvod nam otprilike izdeklamuju u prvih par sekundi uvodne špice a onda počne priča... i to kakva... prava katastrofalna. I ne, nije najgori deo ove serije besmislena početna premisa (ljudi su naime "zaboravili" da prave parne mašine,nema akumalatora baterija,hidrocentrala i sl. stvari ) već način na koji nam je sve to prikazano. Od toga da nam je glavna junakinja Čarli toliko iritatna i neubedljiva da gledalište prosto vapi za tim da je neko što pre ukoka, preko nekoherentne priče bez fokusa i očajnog razvoja karaktera. Mladi glumci su na nivou glume iz Kursadžija (mada su mi Kursadžije ubedljivije) dok ovi stariji donekle uspevaju da glumački utisak poprave ali samo toliko koliko im loš scenario to i dopusti.
Nažalost za sve ovo je odgovoran Erik Kripke tvorac veoma interesantnog serijala Supernatural (barem u prvih pet sezona) i očekivao sam da će baš u ovim stvarima koje sam kritikovao a koji su u Supernaturalu (a kada ga poredimo sa Revolution) na mnogo superirornijem nivou. Posle odgledanih prvih šest epizoda ne vidim puno nade da ovde mogu stvari krenuti nabolje. Na skali od (1-5) ocena: 2 recenzija: Gimitrije Verzić. duh sa dva plava oka
DeVotchKa je grupa iz Denvera i postoji od 1997 ali ne verujem da je previše poznata na ovim prostorima. Zanimljiv bend koji nikada nije dostigao zvezdani status ali ima pregršt prelepih pesama.
Ova pesma koju slušamo danas je njihov , uslovno rečeno, najveći hit.
DeVotchKa : How it Ends
Hold your grandmother's Bible to your breast.
Gonna put it to the test.
You want it to be blessed. And in your heart, you know it to be true.
You know what you gotta do.
They all depend on you.
And you already know.
Yeah, you already know how this will end.
There is no escape,
From the slave-catchers' songs.
For all of the loved ones gone.
Forevers not so long. And in your soul,
They poked a million holes.
But you never let em show.
C'mon it's time to go. And you already know.
Yeah, you already know how this will end.
Now you've seen his face. And you know that there's a place, in the sun, for all that you've done, for you and your children.
No longer shall you need.
You always wanted to believe,
Just ask and you'll receive,
Beyond your wildest dreams.
And You Already know.
Yeah, you already know
How this will end.
You already know (You already know)
You already know (you already know)
You already know-how this will end.
06 November 2012
Charlie Winston : In Your Hands
I`ve gotta get out of here
So I can save our family
From this poverty
And when I make my money
I`ll send it back to you
Give me strength, I pray
I have to end this misery
It`s causing too much pain
I`m gonna look for richer lands
Where the money`s made
I`m gonna put my whole worldIn your handsI have to put my whole world
In your hands
In your hands
Please let me work somehow
You`ve kept me waiting eighteen months
And still I`m not allowed
And everytime you promise me :
"Not much longer now "
I`ve to put my whole world
In your hands
You`ve got my whole world
In your hands
In your hands
Listen to me, listen to me
Mr ! You say you`re trying
But don`t you know my brother`s dying
You say "It won`t be long"
But why am I so cursed
For where I am born ?
You`ve got my whole world
In your hands
I`ve had to put my whole world
In your hands
I`m gonna put my whole world
In your hands
I`ve had to put my whole world
In your hands
In your hands.
05 November 2012
Charlie Winston : Hello Alone
Hello alone, it’s you and me again
How can we pretend we’ve never met
Hello alone, you might as well come in
We’ve been making beds for so long now
I never told you that I want you
I thought I had you out of my head
But every time she leaves me
Refusing to believe me
You’re always there
And even though I don’t invite you
And your presence is a pain
You always let me be just who I am
Until I’m glad to bring back that refrain again
Hello alone, it’s you and me again
How can we pretend we’ve never met
Hello alone, you might as well come in
We’ve been shaking hands for too long now
I even tried to re-convince you
But it was just no use at all
'Cause every time I climbed inside your mind
I saw the mirror on the wall
But it’s no use to pose the question
When the answer’s never ’she’
And then I have to face up to the facts
With saxophones and old trombones
Carrying me home to say
Hello alone, it’s you and me again
How can we pretend we’ve never met
Hello alone, you might as well come in
We’ve been making beds for too long
Perhaps I’ll take a holiday
And get as far away as I can
But then I’d just be far away
And just as much a lonesome man
With his head in his hands
And chanting
Hello alone, it’s you and me again
How can we pretend we’ve never met
Hello alone, you might as well come in
We’ve been making beds for too long now
Oh oh, we’ve been making friends for so long now
Hey hey, we’ve been shaking hands for so long, so long now
04 November 2012
Engleski kantautor Charlie Winston ima iza sebe 3 albuma. Prvi je objavio 2007 godine ali najveći komercijalni uspeh je doživeo sa narednim iz 2009 (Hobo) čiju naslovnu numeru i slušamo danas. Charlie trenutno živi u Francuskoj u kojoj mnogo više cene i vole njegove pesme nego u samoj domovini.
Charlie Winston: Like a Hobo
I've always known
Since I was a young boy
In this world,
everything's as good as bad
Now my father told me
always speak a true word
And I have to say that is
the best advice I've had
Because something burns inside of me
It's everything I long to be
And lies, they only stop me
from feeling free
Like a hobo from a broken home
Nothing's gonna stop me
Like a hobo from a broken home
Nothing's gonna stop me
I've never yearned
for anybody's fortune
The less I have
the more I am a happy man
Now my mother told me
always keep your head on
Because some may praise you
just to get what they want
And I said mama I am not afraid
They will take what they will take
And what would life be like
without a few mistakes
Like a hobo from a broken home
Nothing's gonna stop me
Like a hobo from a broken home
Nothing's gonna stop me (x2)
Like a hobo from a broken home
Nothing's gonna stop me
Like a hobo from a broken home
Nothing's gonna stop me, no
03 November 2012
Lost in the Tress : All Alone in Empty House
I spent my whole life on you
And i built you a gorgeous house
to put up with your bitched mouth
And ive thrown all my dreams right out
And im so selfless here
im so selfless here
theres a cloud in my head
im so selfless here
and what do u want from me
ive burried my own babies
and i live all lone in an empty house
ive thrown all my dreams right out
and im so lonely here
im so lonely here
theres a cloud in my head
im so lonely here
so i tend the garden
tend the garden
tend the garden
tend the garden
tend the garden
tend the garden
tend the garden
build the stone wall
what are you hiding
what are you hiding
what are you hiding
is something dirty
something dirty
what are you hiding
what are you hiding
something dirty
where is the baby
where is the baby
where is the baby
go the baby
you touched the baby
you must be crazy
i must be crazy
i touched the baby
hide in the tower
hide in the tower
hide in the tower
right in the tower
right in the tower
right in the tower
right in the tower
For all i care cause i hear your soul
and how i hate your soul
will the church protect me
how i hate your soul
are we leaving
are we ever leaving
we've got black spots in our eyes
are we ever leaving
no where
never meant to hurt anyone
never meant to hurt anyone
no plunge holes into the wall
but never hurt anyone
no,no one is perfect
and, no one is perfect
we've got holes in our heart
no one is perfect
02 November 2012
Lost in the Tress: Walk Around The Lake
And with a brush and ink
I'll paint a lake
Sometimes all it takes
Is a walk around the lake
To loose your mind
All it takes is a walk around the lake
Is a walk around the lake
And late at night I stay up and write
A book about my life
So noone would ever make
All of my mistakes
To ease your mind
All it takes is a walk around the Lake
Is a walk around the lake
And well I've made my loved ones cry
Right in front of my eyes
And I've spent so long a-hurting
In such a short life
But I'm moving on
My heart is grown,
I'm moving on
Yes I'm moving on
My heart is grown
I'm moving on
And oh, sometimes that's all it takes
Is a walk around the lake
And sometimes that's all it takes
Is a walk around the lake
Is a walk around the lake
Is a walk around the lake
01 November 2012
Mesec novembar posvećujemo nekim manjim poznatim bendovima i autorima koji zaslužuju vašu pažnju.
Lost in the Trees je band iz Severne Karolineosnovan 2007 godine. Za sobom imaju dva albuma.
Lost in the Trees : Red
Brittle little bird
Spread your dark and golden wings
Unstitched on my porch
When did I stop learning?
Such a powerful song
I heard you weeping through the walls
A scarlet fever glows
Such as the golden hands of God
Color from my eyes
Color from my eyes
Color from my eyes
Color from my eyes
A beautiful garden blooms
My dearest one
And your love carried me through today
I’ll give you the moon
Dearest one
And your love carried me through today
Color from my eyes
Color from my eyes
Color from my eyes
Color from my eyes
A beautiful garden blooms
My dearest one
Your love carried me through today
And I’ll wait behind the moon
Dearest one
Your love carried me through today
And we’re gonna have twins
I can feel them kicking
Don’t leave the water too soon
Don’t leave the water too soon